Writing Introduction in Business Research Papers


The article will try to address some of the key ingredients of business research.

Introduction of Research

Introduction forms the start of a research. An Introduction contains variety of items. An introduction usually contains:

  1. Value of research area in field of business
  2. Existing Research
  3. Gaps in Existing Research
  4. Purpose of Research
  5. Practical Implications/Significance of Research
  6. Originality/Value of Research

Value of research area in field of business

This section of research introduction would highlight the value of the chosen area in the field of business research. Almost all the researches in the field of business start the introduction with identificiation and providing justification of why this particular area needs to be researched in relation to business and management. An example is hereby shared for your reference.

Knowledge sharing creates opportunities to maximize organization ability to meet those needs and generates solutions and efficiencies that provide a business with a competitive advantage.

Hsiu-Fen Lin, (2007),"Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical study", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 28 Iss: 3 pp. 315 - 332

Existing Research

This section of research lists the existing research that has been conducted related to your area of research. The Research should find existing research with reference to Independent and Dependent variables that has been carried out, and shall mention the key variables and scope of those researches. Here the researcher should refrain from metioning the results of those researches, as that would be done in literature review. An example from published researches is hereby shared for your reference.

Limited attempts have been made to measure satisfaction with training. Schmidt (2004) developed a model in the PhD dissertation whereas Sahinidis and Bouris (2008) used only one item scale to measure training satisfaction. Kauffeld and Lehmann-Willenbrock (2010) based their training evaluation only on items concerning the perceived content validity of the training, implementation of training content, and sales competence, thus limiting the scale to sales oriented trainings.

Khawaja Fawad Latif, (2012),"An integrated model of training effectiveness and satisfaction with employee development interventions", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 44 Iss: 4 pp. 211 - 222

Gaps in Existing Research

After identification of existing research, the research can make a description as to the gaps in the existing research, as done by Latif (2012) in his research

There is certainly a gap in research, calling for the development of an appropriate scale of measurement for evaluation of training satisfaction.

Khawaja Fawad Latif, (2012),"An integrated model of training effectiveness and satisfaction with employee development interventions", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 44 Iss: 4 pp. 211 - 222

Purpose of Research

Once the gaps are identified the researcher could start putting forth the purpose of his/her research, an example continuing from the research of Latif (2012) is shared for your reference.

The current study aims to provide more insight into the role of leaders in individual innovation. It uses a combination of in-depth interviews and literature research to explore what particular leader behaviours are likely to enhance employees’ innovative behaviour.

Jeroen P.J. de Jong, Deanne N. Den Hartog, (2007),"How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 10 Iss: 1 pp. 41 - 64

Practical Implications/Significance of Research

This section of introduction identifies the Practical Implications of research. This should highlight how your research would help in making business more efficient and effective. An example is shared for your reference.

The study identified potential enablers of a successful training program. The research highlighted the needs of business to concentrate on building employee capacity and focusing on employee development to attain job satisfaction.

Khawaja Fawad Latif, (2012),"An integrated model of training effectiveness and satisfaction with employee development interventions", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 44 Iss: 4 pp. 211 - 222


This section highlights and makes note about originality and actual value of the business research undertaken. This section should hightlight the contributions of the research and what it adds to the body of knowledge.

Where much of the research is focused on training effects, little research had been focused on development of an integrated scale for the measurement of training effectiveness. The study fills this gap and also undertakes the formulation of a scale measuring satisfaction with employee development interventions.

Khawaja Fawad Latif, (2012),"An integrated model of training effectiveness and satisfaction with employee development interventions", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 44 Iss: 4 pp. 211 - 222

