
Evaluation refers to the systematic assessment and analysis of a program, project, or policy to determine its effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability. It aims to provide evidence-based judgments and recommendations about the value and impact of the intervention. Here are some key aspects of evaluation:

What is Evaluation | Key Aspects of Evaluation

Evaluation refers to the systematic assessment and analysis of a program, project, or policy to determine its effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability. It aims to provide evidence-based judgments and recommendations about the value and impact of the intervention. Here are some key aspects of evaluation:

Writing Evaluation Report of a Project

Contents of an Evaluation Report

A clear, concise, brief and yet complete guide on writing mid-term or final evaluation report for a Project of any kind. The format is also available in MS Word format and can be downloaded.


How to Conduct a Focused Group Discussion

Design and Conduct FGD Method Guidelines

The persons of the community should be the informed members of the community, so that they could discuss the issues of the community in detail. Avoid asking questions, rather use discussion pointers. Ask Open Ended Questions. To conduct the most effective focus groups, researchers explore their subject via:

What Evaluator Should Look For in a Project

Evaluator Requirements in Project

First is the efficiency or the capability of a project to use its inputs to produce outputs, e.g. the organization, management of staff, funds, expertise, etc. are utilized to produce results. The key question here is whether the desired results were attained using the inputs.

Methods of Conducting Evaluation

Data Collection Methods For Evaluation

There are several methods which we can use for conducting evaluation and collection of evaluation data.

Inteview: First is the Interview. We have been doing interviews whenever we go on project visits. We ask questions and gather more information relevant to our project evaluation. The questions we use should be concise and precise so that we will be understood.

Why do We Evaluate Projects?

Why Projects Evaluation

Project Evaluation has the following purposes:

  1. To assess effectiveness as well as efficiency of program delivery in response to particular needs of various groups which benefit from it;
  2. To serve as a venue for reflection; to gain insights and understanding from project experiences so as to be able to conceptualize experiences within the context of one’s specific direction or work experience;


How to Conduct a Project Evaluation (10 Steps)

Clearly define the objectives of the evaluation, including what aspects of the project will be assessed and what specific questions the evaluation aims to answer. For example, the evaluation objectives could be to assess the project's effectiveness in achieving its goals, the efficiency of resource utilization, and the sustainability of project outcomes.


Qualities and Characteristics of Evaluation

Every evaluation practice should be conducted ethically and the evaluators must recognise the participants’ entitlement to privacy. Evaluators should ensure that data is kept securely and that no publication will directly or indirectly lead to a breach of agreed confidentiality or anonymity. Evaluators shall respect people’s right to provide information in confidence and make participants aware of the scope and limits of confidentiality.

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