Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors


The Article provides a prospective topic for research student that could be used for their final year research project. The topic under discussion is "Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors". Heterogeneous occupations could be studied in order to identify occupation-specific stressors. Bankers, Teachers, Marketers and Engineers can be potential subjects for the study. The study should aim at  examining how stressors affect work behaviors.

Research Topic

"Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors"

The Article provides a prospective topic for research student that could be used for their final year research project. The topic under discussion is "Impact of Work Stressors on Work Behaviors". Heterogeneous occupations could be studied in order to identify occupation-specific stressors. Bankers, Teachers, Marketers and Engineers can be potential subjects for the study. The study should aim at  examining how stressors affect work behaviors.

Research Framework


The Study would seek to examine the influence of occupation on stressors and behaviors at workplace. Occupation here refers to varied kind of job people so for instance lawyers, Doctors, Civil Servants, Factory Employees. Varied work stressor are present at job the ones that are proposed for the study are:

  1. Factors intrinsic to the job
  2. Managerial Role
  3. Relationship with others
  4. Career and Achievement
  5. Organizational Structure and Climate
  6. Home Work Interface

All the above factors are assessed through multiple questions falling under each of the scale/factors. Whereas work behaviours are assessed on the following factors.

  • Absence Behavior
  • Intention of Quitting
  • Work Morale

Analysis Technique

The proposed analysis technique is One-Way Anova that would help compare the responses over different occupations.

For Questionnaires please refer to questionnaires below


To conduct the research, and collect data on Work Stressors and Work Behaviors, the researchers can use the questionnaires available at the following links on HR Nutshell.

Employee Behavior Questionnaires

Work Stressors Questionnaire

Sample Hypothesis

H1: Differentiations exist in prevalence of stressors across occupations.
H2: Differences exists in three specific behaviors across occupations.
H3: Absenteeism, Work Morale and Intention to quit are linked to individual demographics.
H3a: Work stressors are linked to individual demographics.
H4: Work Stressors are associated and effect employee absence behavior
H4a: Work Stressors are associated and effect employee Intention to Quit
H4b: Work Stressors are associated and effect employee Work Morale
