
How to prepare Questionnaire for KAP Study | M&E

KAP Questionnaire

To perform a KAP Study first of all write a concept note for the study. This will set a path for the study. Tips on how to write a concept note are discussed in detail in another article but the following headings should be used as a format for a concept note for a KAP Study:


What to Monitor? How to Set Monitoring Priorities?

The best way to select monitoring priorities is to think about the uses for the information. Determining in advance how the information will be used would allow the M&E staff to avoid gathering data that, although interesting, has no particular function. To help identify priorities, the M&E function asks the user group to consider how the monitoring data collected will be used. Some potential uses for the monitoring data include:


How to Conduct a Project Evaluation (10 Steps)

Clearly define the objectives of the evaluation, including what aspects of the project will be assessed and what specific questions the evaluation aims to answer. For example, the evaluation objectives could be to assess the project's effectiveness in achieving its goals, the efficiency of resource utilization, and the sustainability of project outcomes.



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