Change Management

All Change Please

Change Management

A Phrase heard by almost every one who has spent time in London and has been a commuter. The Words doesnt disturb if heard at the end of Detination, BUT when heard during the travel while the Bus or Tubes change their Destination due to Some reason causes immense disturbance. It is Human Nature we all do not want to move from the WAYS we are accustomed to. Unwanted or Uncalled for Changes to the routine causes annoyance. BUT its necessary and most of the times not in our control.

What is Change?

How Change has evolved in the Modern era

Last decade the most common word and the one most heard, emphasized, talked about, discussed and promoted is change. Leaders have used it for votes, Business have used it for motivation, commitment and organisational growth.

Leadership and Change


It is important for the leader to understand the process of change and be an example. Leader must craft an appealing vision. Once developed, the leader must implement the change. This could be done through intellectual stimulation, whereby the leader sets challenging goals for the employees and motivates them to rethink old ways of doing business. Here it's important that leader also lives the vision and he does what he/she expects the staff to do. Top management needs to provide adequate resources and shall remove any obstacle that might come in the way. There is also a Need of showing the progress though achievement of short term victories that lead to long tem success.

Define Change Management


Change Management in a nuthsell is a key function within the orgnaisation whereby steps are taken to effectively and efficiently deal with the alterations, modifications, transformations that are taking place in the micro and macro environment.

Cycle of Change in an Organization


Change is about challenging the status quo, bringing a move in the normal routine of individuals and the organization. Resistance and friction is to certain extent a normal activity. It is important that business organization analyze and understand the resistance in order to effectively deal with them.

Organizational Development Practitioners


Organizational Development Practitioners are people who are entrusted with the job to carry out the planned change process in the organization. These are the people with the ultimate responsibility to development and create organizational wide effectiveness through challenging and changing its current practices. OD Practitioner normally refers to people who do Organizational Development.

How to Bring Change in an Organization


Organizational Change is a complex phenomenon, at times very delicate and may involve fragile situation, with people vulnerable, but it is a necessity and has to be done, here are a few tips that could aid in the smooth happening of organizational change, the tips are more employee centered than organizational centered, but at the end of the day, it is the people who will make the change happen, so they need to be taken care of, it has to start with identification of what needs to be changed and goes till an integrated effort among the stakeholders to successfully implement the change effort.

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