
Differences between Performance Appraisal and Performance Management

The need for  performance management was never as important as it is today, the world of business is witnessing immense change, with the focus of Business, Employees and Customers seeing a transformation. Business wants their employees to be on the peak of their performance in serving the customers. Performance management is based on the principle of management by agreement or contract rather than management by command. It emphasizes development and the initiation of self-managed learning plans as well as the integration of individual and corporate objectives.

Introduction to 360 Degree Feedback


360 feedback/multi rater feedback is the assessment of employees by supervisors, subordinates, peers, and in some cases customers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback


360 degree feedback is a multi source assessment, where individual’s performance is assessed and feedback is recorded from a number of people that may include Managers, Subordinates, Colleagues and customers.  The assessment in the feedback takes the form of rating against certain performance dimension. When the feedback is from the subordinates to the managers, it is referred to as 180 degree feedback. Common use of 360 Degree feedback is for


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