
Role of HR Managers in Bringing Change in Organizations

Change through HRM in Organizations

Although the current economic climate and business environment looks gloomy, with business going into administrations, filing losses, one of the practices that organisations cannot do without is HRM. It is important that focus is on the Human Resource, making the most of them, motivating them to work for organisational prosperity that would indeed result in their own good in the long run.


Defining and Changing Organizational Culture


Culture of the organisation is something that could principally land a business true competitve advantage. Organisational culture is a complex phenomenon and is formed in variety of ways, it may originate from the challenges and obstacles that organisation face, it could be a deliberate creation of the management, People working in the organisation have strong input in forming a culture.

Emotional Intelligence - Definition, Qualities and Characteristics

Emotional Intelligence Characterisitics

Emotional Intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Emotionally intelligent people are those who have the ability to recognize, evaluate, and regulate the emotions of one-self, others and of groups.


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