Employee Engagement

Employee as Business Partner

Should employees be business partners. There is an increasing change in how employees were and are managed in the confines of a business organization, it not about what they could offer but it has to start with what employers think of them, and how do they want them to be approached. If employees think of people who could be easily substitutable, something that is not valued as an irreplaceable resource then organization would fail in tapping out the best competency of employees.

Ways to Improve Employee Motivation

Whatever led you to your business idea, your chances of success will increase many times over if you make optimum use of every minute in your day; if you have genuine belief in your idea and a passion for your business plan. If you find yourself constantly distracted from the task at hand, ask yourself what you are focusing on instead. What is your true goal?

Differences between HRM and Personnel Management

All these now form a major portion of the research and books written in HR. This does highlight an important phenomenon that Businesses and People have evolved, so the subject area. The changing nature of business, bombardment of information onto the customers, increased need for more skilled employees, all have contributed to this immense change that is being witnessed in HR.

Strategic HR Planning Process in an Organisation

If we fail to plan, then we are planning to fail, a saying we all have heard but seldom do we recognise the importance planning has in both our lives and the life of the organisation. Organisaton needs to make a plan for all its processes and activities. Since people oversee and implement the processes and activities, it is off utmost importance that Organisaton plans for people who would be entrusted with the job of making the organisaton an effective and efficient entity. Planning of Human Resource involve answering a few common questions, for instance

Benefits of Employee Training

Imparting knowledge of skills not known beforehand and learning means to perform tasks better and more confidently; this certainly reflects on the individual’s performance and results in better productivity for the business.

Creating a Work Environment for Success

Good Workplace Improves Output / Results

Work environment is all about creating "A Great Place to Work", it is about making an organization where people belong, one where they would love to come, one where people would like to work, one where harmonious relationship are in existence. An environment is created by the stakeholders but most importantly it flows from the top, where leaders and top management have the responsibility to have values that foster, motivation, respect, commitment, risk taking, knowledge sharing and most importantly they take pride in what they do.

Relationship between Employee and Employer

The Relationship bettwen the Business and Employee is changing. Change is the measure of success for individuals and the organisations, by Change it is referred to anything from change of working conditions, way to communicate, technological changes, anything that is different from the previous way of doing things, and is done for the betterment of both the people and the organisation is change.

Role of Employees in Success of the Organization

Employee, what will you bring to the Party

A tricky question but yet often asked at most of the Interviews..... as an "Employee, what will you bring to the Party" or in simple term how would you take the organization forward, well i think employer never needs to ask this question, if one has the CV of the potential employee then have a loot at it and see for yourself if he has been committed and striving for his own development then surely he is going to bring allot to the party and businesses can count on it.

Role of HR in Organizational Commitment

Organizational Commitment

Commitment refers to attachment and loyalty. It is associated with the feelings of individuals about their organization. Organizational commitment is the relative strength of the individual’s identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization. The three characteristics of commitment identified are:

Employee Engagement and Commitment


Employee Engagement and Commitment are the two of the necessary endeavors in which organization must invest its time and effort. Both are different, as engagement drives commitment, whereas the reverse is not possible, commitment cannot be achieved without employee engagement. The article discusses both the concepts in turns, first Employee Engagement is highlighted followed by the concept of  Commitment to the Organization.

Employee Engagement Activities, Strategies and Initiatives


Employee engagement has been defined as an individual employee’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral state directed toward desired organizational outcomes (Shuck and Wollard, 2010). Employees who are engaged exhibit attentiveness and mental absorption in their work and display a deep, emotional

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